Conditions where the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, are common and unpleasant. The grittiness, irritation, and visual disturbances push people to seek relief with artificial tears. Artificial tears are an effective treatment for dry eyes and other moisture-related eye problems, affecting people of all ages.
What are Artificial Tears?
Artificial tears are a type of eye drops that mimic natural tears. They contain water, salt, and other ingredients - electrolytes, lubricants, and preservatives to hydrate and soothe the eyes.
The moisturizing eye drops come in different formulations - solutions, gels, and ointments. Each with varying thickness, viscosity, and duration of action.
How do Artificial Tears Work?
Artificial tears make up for insufficient natural tears, improving the quality and quantity of the tear film. Thus easing even intensive eye dryness and gritty sensations. They offer immediate relief when wearing or after taking out contact lenses as well.
Artificial tears characteristics:
Provide moisture
Create a protective layer on the surface of the eyes
Reduce friction when blinking
Prevent damage to the cornea and conjunctiva
Flush away debris, allergens, and irritants that may accumulate on the eye's surface
Decrease inflammation and infection risk
Feel free to use artificial tears as often as needed, depending on the severity and frequency of your symptoms. The eye drops are safe for most people and do not require a prescription.
Yet, it is advisable to consult an eye doctor before using them. In particular, if you have a history of eye allergies, infections, or other eye problems.

What are the Benefits of Artificial Tears?
Artificial tears offer many benefits for people with dry eyes, including itching, burning, stinging, redness, and blurred vision alleviation. They protect the eye surface from external factors - wind, smoke, and dry air which can aggravate dryness and irritations.
The lubricating eye drops reduce dry eye glare and halos and wash away bacteria and other pathogens. If you wear contacts, there is an additional benefit. That is the enhancement of contact lens comfort by improving the tear film's quality and reducing friction between the lens and the eye.
If you spend too much time staring at a screen (at home or work), you might suffer from eye strain or computer vision syndrome (CVS). Moisturizing teardrops can bring you the relief you need and help you move along with your day with less discomfort and dryness.
What are the Types of Artificial Tears?
There are many types of artificial tears. Choosing the right one depends on the severity and type of the condition.
Lubricating artificial tears
These are the most common artificial tears. They contain a blend of water, salt, and lubricants - glycerin, propylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol. Lubricating eye drops are ideal for mild to moderate dry eye symptoms and are available in different viscosity levels, from thin drops to thicker gels.
Preservative-free artificial tears
These are the safest eye drops without any preservatives to irritate the eyes with frequent use. This type is perfect for those with sensitive eyes or those who need to use eye drops often.
Artificial tears for severe dry eye
Artificial tears may contain lubricants or other ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid or carboxymethylcellulose. They provide longer-lasting relief for severe dry eye symptoms. To get them at the pharmacy, you need a prescription from an ophthalmologist after an eye examination.
Gels and ointments
Artificial tear gels have a thicker consistency than eye drops. Ointments stay in the eye longer, providing prolonged lubrication and protection. This is an option for individuals with severe dry eyes or who have difficulty using eye drops.
How to Use Artificial Tears?
Using artificial tears is relatively straightforward.
Follow the instructions on the label or the recommendations of your eye doctor or pharmacist and use the correct amount of eye drops. Too many drops could overload your eyes, making them too watery. While too few drops may not provide sufficient relief.

Here are some general guidelines for using artificial tears:
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
Remove the cap of the eye drop bottle or tube
Tilt your head back slightly while looking up
Use one hand to pull down your lower eyelid to create a small pouch
Use the other hand to squeeze the prescribed amount of eye drops into the pouch
Release your lower eyelid and close your eyes gently for a few seconds to allow the eye drops to spread evenly across the surface of your eyes
Wipe away any excess drops around your eyes with a clean tissue or cloth
Repeat the process for the other eye
When dropping artificial tears, avoid touching the tip of the eye drop bottle or tube to prevent contamination, and store them at room temperature in a dry, clean place.
How Often to Use Artificial Tears?
Use artificial tears as often as needed, but not more than recommended.
The moisturizing eyedrops provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms, but they do not cure the underlying cause of dryness. If you use artificial tears too often, you may wash away your natural tears and make your eyes drier.
In some cases, you may also develop tolerance or dependence. So in time, you may need more drops to get the same effect. The frequency and dosage depend on your condition and the type of eyedrops you use. Generally, you should not use them more than three times a day unless your eye doctor says otherwise.
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How to Store Your Eye Drops?
Rule number one, store all eye drops properly and discard them after their expiration date.
Always keep artificial tears in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Do not freeze or refrigerate them as this may affect their quality and effectiveness.
Check the expiration date on the bottle or vial and do not use them if they are past their shelf life. If you use preservative-free eye drops, discard the remaining portion of each vial after one use. If you use artificial tears with preservatives, discard the bottle after one month of opening or follow the manufacturer's instructions.
In conclusion...
Artificial tears are a safe and effective treatment for dry eyes, offering relief from discomfort and irritation.
They come in different formulations and are available without a prescription. However, just like any medical product, it is best to consult your eye doctor if you have persistent or severe dry eye symptoms or if you experience any side effects from using artificial tears.
Learn more about your eye health and how to take care of your eyes in the Ophthalmology24 blog.
Artificial Tears, American Academy of Ophthalmology
Dry Eye, National Eye Institute
Artificial Tears: Which One Is Right for You?, Healthline
All medical facts and statements are checked by Atanas Bogoev M.D.