Eye color is one of the most noticeable and varied human traits. It's shaped by genetic factors and melanin in the iris. Understanding the distribution of eye color across different populations provides insights into human diversity and genetic history.
Overview of Eye Color Distribution
Globally, brown eyes are the most prevalent, followed by blue, hazel, and green eyes. Less common eye colors are those resulting from health conditions like albinisms and heterochromia.
Brown Eyes
Approximately 70-79% of the global population has brown eyes.
Brown eyes are predominant in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Nearly all individuals in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa have brown eyes.
Blue Eyes
About 8-10% of people worldwide have blue eyes​.
Blue eyes are most common in Europe, particularly in Baltic and Scandinavian countries, where the prevalence of blue eyes in Baltic and Scandinavian countries can be as high as 89-99%​. In the United States, around 27% of the population has blue eyes​.
Hazel Eyes
Hazel eyes make up about 5% of the global population​.
People with hazel eyes are predominant in North Africa, the Middle East, Brazil, and Spain.
Amber Eyes
Amber eyes also account for about 5% of the population​​.
This eye color is more common in parts of Asia, South America, and Spain.
Gray Eyes
Gray eyes are present in approximately 3% of the population​.
They are mostly found in Eastern and Northern Europe.
Green Eyes
Green eyes are present in only 2% of people worldwide.
The regional concentration of green eyes is in parts of Europe, especially in Ireland and Scotland.
Other Eye Colors
Other rare eye colors like red or violet are common in people with albinism. Heterochromia, where a person has two different colored eyes, affects less than 1%.
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