How it works?

1. Fill out the Form
Leave your contact details so we can get you in touch with people volunteerly offering aid.

2. Get connected
We connect the people requesting help with the people willing to provide it.

3. Arrangements
Discuss final arrangements for transport, assistance and accommodation.
I need help!
Are you a Ukrainian ophthalmologist or ophthalmology resident in need of help, transport or/and accommodation for you and your family? At Ophthalmology24 we welcome you with open arms during these difficult times of uncertainty.
Please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to arrange help if an opportunity arises.
I'm offering help!
This From is for those willing to help our colleague ophthalmologists from Ukraine with transportation, relocation assistance, accommodation, and other aid. We are facing difficult times and now is the time to support each other.
Ready to help? Fill in this form & we will get in touch with you as soon as possible: